Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty’s bloody artwork
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[ # ] Pete Doherty’s bloody artwork
May 11th, 2007 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

Some gallery in Notting Hill is actually showing Pete Doherty's artwork that he painted in his own blood.  The gallery owner told the Daily Mail why he is displaying his artwork, "His use of blood lends itself perfectly to exploring the extraordinary personal and physical intensity that characterises so much of Peter’s life and work as an artist in the broadest sense." What did Pete give that guy to smoke?
There is no price set for the original artwork, but you can purchase prints signed in pencil for around £350 or in Doherty’s blood for £1,200. Why would you want something signed in Pete's blood. I mean his blood should be tested before it is distributed like that. 
Two years ago NBC had this show called Medical Investigation where several people died after going to an art showing because the painter used infected animal feces in his paint. For some reason that episode stuck out in my mind when I read this story. 

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