Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty passport photo from hell
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[ # ] Pete Doherty passport photo from hell
August 14th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

DOPEY Pete Doherty had to cancel an Ibiza gig yesterday – after he was refused a new passport because he put on a silly pose in his photo.Heroin addict Doherty, 27, was preparing to fly out when he discovered his old passport had expired and raced to get a new one.But the Babyshambles singer had a photo taken with his head at a lopsided angle and passport officials refused to accept it.A source said: "It’s typical Pete. He was having a laugh and thought he’d get away with it. But the passport people have strict guidelines and don’t make exceptions for rock stars.

Daily Mirror

You would think with everything going on at Heathrow he would be a little bit more careful, but then again we are talking Pete Doherty.


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