Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty & Kate Moss forced to leave the NME Awards early?
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[ # ] Pete Doherty & Kate Moss forced to leave the NME Awards early?
March 1st, 2007 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

According to NME, Pete Doherty and Kate Moss were forced to leave to the NME Awards for being too amorous. I don't know why, but I am not shocked by that, what I am shocked about is why they were kicked out. According to a source who spoke to NME on the condition of remaining anonymous, the couple got into trouble after becoming too amorous for the security personel's liking. The anonymous source said: "Pete and Kate were trying to get into the premises' toilets but they were removed by the bouncers and told to go back to their table.  "Later they were both caught in a dark alleyway at the back of the building. So we got their own security guards to put them in a car and take them home."  Kate was forced to leave before she presented an award to Primal Scream and Pete before he could find if Babyshambles won for the two awards they were nominated for. Seriously they couldn't wait a few hours until they got home? What is up with that?

(Photo from AP


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