Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pete Doherty gets a record deal?
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[ # ] Pete Doherty gets a record deal?
August 29th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

WE’VE caught potty Pete Doherty doing a secret deal for big money… but this time he can be proud of it.Pete’s new clean-living lifestyle seems to be paying off as the singer and his band Babyshambles signed a multi-album deal worth £1million at the weekend.We can exclusively reveal it is with major label Parlophone. The company, which has Kylie Minogue and Lily Allen on its books, snapped up Pete and bandmates Drew McConnell, Adam Ficek and Mick Whitnall after a bidding war.


You know it is going to sell like crazy, but does he need more money for drugs? 


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