Seriously? OMG! WTF? » OMG! WTF? Who let Pete Doherty out of rehab???
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[ # ] OMG! WTF? Who let Pete Doherty out of rehab???
June 16th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

JUNKIE rocker Pete Doherty was arrested in Sweden last night after being carted off a plane in a “drug-fuelled high”. The singer, 27, had to be put in a wheelchair trolley and pushed from the plane before being taken into custody. According to witnesses, Doherty looked “wasted”. It was his second mid-air drug drama in two weeks. A fortnight ago, fellow travellers claimed he had used drugs on an easyJet flight to Barcelona. It turned out he had been taking methadone, a prescribed heroin substitute. Last night’s disgrace came just hours after Doherty had checked himself out of rehab in Portugal. ‘Lost control’ … Kate at Sadie Frost’s party on Thursday ‘Lost control’ … Kate at Sadie Frost’s party on Thursday A passenger on the flight from Amsterdam to Stockholm said: “As soon as he got on everyone could tell he was clearly on drugs. “He was with a friend who was nearly in as bad a state. As soon as we took off Doherty began walking around and started arguing with the stewardesses. They told him to sit down and refused to give him any drink.” The pilot was informed and cops were waiting for Doherty when the plane landed. Doherty had been due to perform at a music festival in southern Sweden last night. A Customs police spokesman said: “He is being questioned over drugs.” Meanwhile Doherty’s on-off lover Kate Moss is to go into therapy because she fears her party-loving life is “out of control”. The model, 32, told a pal: “My head is so f***** up.”




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