Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Oh Fock, I want to see Little Fockers!
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[ # ] Oh Fock, I want to see Little Fockers!
June 24th, 2010 under Frat Pack

I have to admit for the most part I hate Ben Stiller films, but I really want to see Little Fockers when it comes out on December 22nd. I enjoyed everything about Meet the Parents, but Stiller and then when Meet the Fockers came out I was thoroughly disappointed about everything in the movie. But after watching the teaser trailer for Little Fockers, it looks like it will be the first film of his I will like him in since Keeping the Faith. Forgetting him, Robert De Niro looks freaking hysterical in the third movie of the franchise. He really made the first one and I think he will make this one too. I seriously can’t believe how many times I found myself LOLing in that teaser trailer. Why are Viagra induced erections always funny?


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