Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nurse Jackie can’t save United States of Tara
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[ # ] Nurse Jackie can’t save United States of Tara
May 23rd, 2011 under Showtime

Showtime has decided to cancel United States of Tara and renew Nurse Jackie according to Variety. I am surprised that they would cancel a show that actually got them an Emmy, but then again I haven’t been able to watch that show since the pilot. When I got the screeners for the third season of both shows, I actually stopped watching mid-way through the episodes because I couldn’t stand either show. I give every screener a chance, but these shows were such sh!t I couldn’t put myself through it.
Both shows reach a certain audience and I am not that audience. Well doesn’t look like Tara was that many people’s either. I think it had a good concept, but it went in such a weird direction it became unwatchable. On that note, can someone explain the appeal of Nurse Jackie to me? I just don’t get why so many people think this show is the sh!t, when the only scene that caught my attention was when a dead rat fell down from the ceiling at the hospital and landed on one of the nurse’s lunch. I think that says it all for anyone who has never seen the show.


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