Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nicole Richie desperately needs to eat
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[ # ] Nicole Richie desperately needs to eat
July 20th, 2006 under Nicole Richie


Did Nicole Richie take that phrase “shop until you drop” too seriously?The super-skinny reality show star reportedly fainted while doing a little retail therapy. Richie — who has admitted that she’s too thin but has denied that she has an eating disorder — collapsed while browsing at Kitson, a chic LA boutique, on July 15, according to Life & Style. “She was looking through a rack of clothes when she suddenly fainted and hit the floor,” an “eyewitness” told the mag. “The staff helped her to a chair and offered her something to eat. She shot back, ‘No!’ and mumbled something about it being ‘so hot.’” Although Richie turned away food, she did accept a glass of water, reports the mag, and after about 20 minutes “was steady enough to leave.” Richie’s rep couldn’t be reached for comment, but a spokeswoman for the store denies the incident.


Instead of going shopping for clothes and kittens she need to go to the food court.


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