Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Michael Lohan uses the media to communicate with Lindsay
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[ # ] Michael Lohan uses the media to communicate with Lindsay
May 27th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan

Michael Lohan once again used the media to contact his daughter instead of going to her directly. In the past he has sent cartoons and or letters to the New York Daily News and Life & Style and now after her arrest he gave a statement to X17 and was interviewed by WNBC in NYC. After reading what he said it is no wonder Lindsay Lohan isn't speaking with him? Although a lot of what he says is right on, why did it take going to jail to get him on the right track?
Here is the statement he gave to X17:
Lindsay needs to find God, get better, clean house and start all over again with the people who were there for her at the beginning: her family. Too many people are around Lindsay for the wrong reasons. They want to see what they can get from her instead of caring about Lindsay herself. I’m her father. I don’t want anything from her but her love and to be her father first. I’m here for Lindsay as a father and a father only.

And it’s about time that her mother Dina stop building up the walls of division between myself and my children—especially Lindsay. And if Dina really cares about out children–especially Lindsay– then she should do the right thing so we can both be there as parents. Because what Lindsay needs are both parents. I wish Dina would put things aside and act the way God wants us to: right the wrongs and not
compound the wrongs.

I hope Lindsay finally gets the help that she needs. I want her to know that her Daddy is here for her.

Here is what he told WNBC:

"I’ve been seeing this all along. It just really bothers me that too many people are around Lindsay because of what they can get from her instead of [being there] for Lindsay herself and caring about her. She’s not just the goose that laid the golden egg, she’s a child, a human being,”  He wishes Lindsay’s mother, Dina, would get on the same page as him in caring for their daughter. “All the deception and lies have just compounded…[this arrest] was inevitable” he said. He concluded the interview by saying “Lindsay, I’ve been trying to get this message to you for a long time now – I’m here for you, I love you. This is about love and forgiveness…I’m your father and that’s all that matters to me. I don’t want anything from you but to be there for you…You’re the most important thing in my life…Please honey, get in touch with me and let’s get this right.”


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