Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Michael Lohan uses the F-word with Shepard Smith
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[ # ] Michael Lohan uses the F-word with Shepard Smith
July 8th, 2010 under Lindsay Lohan

via TV Newser
Michael Lohan is continuing his press tour and today he was Fox News Channel’s Studio B with Shepard Smith! Well Shep aired a picture of Michael Lohan eating dinner and then Lindsay’s dad defended himself by asking, did they show me giving food to the homeless? So the FNC anchor was like maybe if you spent half as much time with her back then… Well Lohan didn’t hear the back then and went into a rant how he is doing all of this stuff to help his daughter now. He then concluded his argument by saying, “”Don’t tell me how much time I spend helping my daughter or going out to eat dinner or how much time I spend in the F*cking gym.” Shep responded by saying “Oh come one now, this is a family place. Apologies.”
Shep then asked him where he sees this going and Lohan responded by saying, “It could end in death!” I thought it was ending with her going to jail and rehab?
Now back to the rant before he dropped the F-bomb, he said that he flying back and forth, following her, calling narcotic agencies and meeting with the DEA. WTF? Why doesn’t he just deal with her, oh that’s right she has Tweeted she wants nothing to do with her.
Now on the back then? I think the reason why he wasn’t there for her is because he was in jail. He spent over two years behind bars and got out shortly before she had the two alleged DUIs in 2007.
Finally I just love Shepard Smith!!!

UPDATE: Here is the full segment of Shepard Smith interviewing Michael Lohan. It was actually a really good interview because Shep called him out on a lot of things. He really is a great interviewer.


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