Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Mel Gibson rejected!!!
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[ # ] Mel Gibson rejected!!!
November 10th, 2009 under James Bond, Mel Gibson

(photo from WireImage)

Mel Gibson wanted to play Bond, James Bond, but he was rejected by the producer and the screenwriter for the role according to Bang Showbiz!!! They felt, “Bond had to be tall. And so Mel Gibson was too short. But he was a big star. Somebody at United Artists said to me, ‘Call him and tell him Mel Gibson would be great.’ And Cubby said, ‘I don’t want to make a Mel Gibson movie, I want to make a James Bond movie.'” Ha Ha! All of this went down before the Sugar T!ts incident. They knew what we didn’t realize just yet. Although I have to admit they really made the right decision because Mel Gibson was always too rugged to play the suave James Bond. Would you have gone to see 007 with him in it? I know I wouldn’t have because he was never a Bond, James Bond.


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[ # 373587 ] Comment from jvon [November 11, 2009, 8:51 am]

I like Mel, but no. I don’t see it either.

[ # 373626 ] Comment from Adriana [November 11, 2009, 11:49 am]

Actually if Mel Gibson was younger, I think he could’ve pulled it off with his charm and looks. I don’t know when OR why the media decided to stop liking Mel. I remember when Mel Gibson used to be America’s favorite leading man. How quickly we change..

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