Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lopez vs Lopez tackles George’s drinking tonight
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[ # ] Lopez vs Lopez tackles George’s drinking tonight
May 9th, 2023 under George Lopez

(Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)

Tonight at 8:30p on NBC, it is a last call for Lopez vs Lopez. And hopefully, it won’t be the sitcom’s last call.

The season finale gets serious about George’s (George Lopez) drinking problem. All season long, they have been making jokes about it. But it has finally gotten to the point that he needs help.

So Mayan (Mayan Lopez) teams up with her mom and George’s ex (Selenis Leyva) to get him to stop. They think they have the perfect plan. But it backfires.

However, when his drinking lands him in the hospital, Mayan knows she needs to get her dad to stop. So she holds an intervention with her mom and her boyfriend (Matt Shively). Will they be able to get him to quit? Especially when we learn why he drinks as much as he does.

This episode reminds me of the very special episodes we used to get in the ’80s and ’90s. They do a good job tackling such a hard subject and still make us laugh.

And yes, cute little Chance (Brice Gonzalez) steals the episode. Just like he always does.

Even though it is this season’s last episode, it is still a great time to check out this show. And then you can watch the rest of the season. We need more family-focused sitcoms like this one, so watch so that it will be back in the fall.


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