Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Little Mermaid’s Kiss the Girl breaks the ice for guys to kiss the girl!
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[ # ] Little Mermaid’s Kiss the Girl breaks the ice for guys to kiss the girl!
April 21st, 2014 under Awesome Videos

Stuart Edge got Peter Hollens, Vocal Point and Noteworthy to sing Kiss the Girl from Little Mermaid as he tried to kiss a few girls on a college campus. Not only did he try to kiss the girls, the A Capella singers gathered around unsuspecting boys and girls as they sang the tune to see if the boys would kiss or miss the girl! Let’s just say, even if they were just friends with the other person it was hard to resist the lyrics of the song.
And because of that this video will bring at least one smile to your face. I know it brought one big long one to mine and who doesn’t need that on a Monday? Sha-la-la-la-la-la!


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