Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsay Lohan still has not thanked the chauffer who found her purse
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[ # ] Lindsay Lohan still has not thanked the chauffer who found her purse
September 29th, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan

Tom Webster, the driver who found the star’s missing Hermes bag that was stuffed with $1 million worth of jewelry and her asthma medicine at Heathrow Airport earlier this month, says Lohan’s London rep promised him a reward or a thank-you note from her – but so far, he’s received neither. Webster, who works for Reyka vodka, told Page Six: "They haven’t gotten back to me. Not a word. She seems like a nice girl and she was pleased to get the bag back – it was full of diamonds and bracelets and necklaces. But it’s really disappointing. I’d like to hear from her with maybe just a ‘thanks very much.’ Her people took my address and phone number and said they’d be in touch. I know these stars need a good looking-after, but she could have easily just spoke to me on the phone." The Reyka company corroborates Webster’s account. But Lohan’s publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnik, fumed, "I will look into that matter, but I wonder why they’d call a newspaper and not just call me. I think they obviously want free publicity using Lindsay’s name." Meanwhile, Lohan, 20, has been on a downward spiral since she split with Harry Morton. The other night, she was seen boozing at the Hollywood Roosevelt, which several months ago kicked out promoter Amanda Demme – who ran the hotel’s bars – for allowing underage celebutards to drink there. But now that the bars are under new management, our spy says not much has changed: "Lindsay was drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking like a chimney, drowning her sorrows about Harry dumping her."

Page Six 

 I don’t blame his company for going to the newspapers, he is owed some major money.


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