Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lindsay Lohan explains why she likes to party
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[ # ] Lindsay Lohan explains why she likes to party
July 2nd, 2006 under Lindsay Lohan

Teen idol LINDSAY LOHAN insists she is addicted to partying because dancing in clubs is her main form of relaxation.
The MEAN GIRLS star is fed up having to justify her social lifestyle, insisting she is no worse than any normal university student.
"When I turned 18 I really started to party.
"If I had gone to university, that would have seemed so normal. I like to party as much as anyone my age, and when you’re in this business there are obviously a lot of opportunities to go to events and parties.
"But it’s nothing too decadent and probably not half as wild as what goes on at university fraternity parties.
"Going clubbing is my way of relaxing and releasing a lot of stress. I don’t feel that I should have to justify that part of my life."



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