Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lily Allen denies that she got the letter from The UK police
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[ # ] Lily Allen denies that she got the letter from The UK police
May 13th, 2007 under Lily Allen

(photo from Daily Mail

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Yo , Back in the US
Current mood: confused

So i'm back in America , I landed in Seattle this afternoon . It seems that the American Immigration peoples , know things about me that I don't . Twice now I have been questioned over things that are a little dubious . A few weeks ago I was pulled over at the border driving from Canada in the US and , the lady said " Mam , it has been brought to my attention that you have been caught in possesion. " " Possesion of what ?" I replied. " I can't discuss that , mam " she said . Now she declined to comment as to where she obtained this false and foggy information . To my knowledge , I have never been arrested or charged in conjunction with any illegal substance , so I dont understand where this information was obtained . I thought it interesting , but didn't do anything about it . Then , today I was at passport control , where I was handed a massive red card and was sent to an interrogation room for questioning before they would let me in the country , the officer was very friendly this time , but what he said was equally as strange . A few weeks ago I allegedly hit a photographer . According to the newspapers , I have been sent a letter by the police asking me to report to the Police station to face questions in relation to this incident . I have not recieved any letter and I have not had any contact with the police , so it seemed odd to me that the United States Citizenship and Immigration services , should have access to such information before even I have been notified of these charges or enquiries . The Immigration officer said , " I know why youve been pulled aside." "really , why ?" I replied . "Were you charged for assulting the photographer ? Have you been to court ? " " I haven't , even been arrested , not even questioned ! I have never even spoken to a policeman in regards to this incident." HHHmmmmm , I doubt that an United States Government agency would use unreliable sources such as Wikipedia or google news , quoting tabloid goosip and lies as factual evidence , would they ?

Anyway , I look forward to the next couple of weeks here , we're playing a few gigs , and then I'm getting started on the new album . Can't wait for the festival season to get underway, and Glastonbury is gonna be amazing this year !
I hope everyones well , sorry I havent been writing much recently , I just havent had much to say . love yall x xx x x xlily

Lily Allen's MySpace 

Hmmmm? That is interesting. I hope the letter didn't come in the mail the day she left for America because then she will be a fugitive of the law, no? Can you imagine a OJ chase type of scenario? 


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