Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lily Allen 0 – 4 at The BRITS
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[ # ] Lily Allen 0 – 4 at The BRITS
February 19th, 2007 under Lily Allen

Fair enough, she can be a bit gobby every now and then. But you’ve got to feel a tad sorry for Lily Allen. Having been nominated for four Brit awards, she went home with nothing. Not one. Nowt. Nadda. She lost out to Amy Winehouse in the best British female category, to the Arctic Monkeys for best album, to Take That for best single and to The Fratellis for best British breakthrough act. And to top it all off, Lil’s dad Keith was there to cheer on his daughter. ‘Cept his cheering didn’t make a smidgen of difference.
Only days ago, Lily stated that she didn’t want to go to the award ceremony because she feared she’d do a Craig David and lose out on all fronts.

Sky Showbiz (story) and Getty Images (photo)

Guess she was right, she didn’t win a single award. Oh well there is always next year…or is there? I can’t wait for her MySpace blog about this because you know it is going to be good! You know I hate admit it, but she looks great and sweet!


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