Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ‘Lil Bush is f*cking McCain
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[ # ] ‘Lil Bush is f*cking McCain
March 19th, 2008 under Comedy Central

I wonder if the Jimmy Kimmel Live! show knew what they started when they had Sarah Silverman f*cking Matt Damon and Jimmy Kimmel f*cking Ben Affleck. Now on Comedy Central tomorrow night at 10:30p you will ‘Lil Bush f*cking McCain. While it is not as hysterical as the originals, it is still funny! Heck any show that casts K-Fed as ‘Lil Karl Rove has me hooked, oh yeah that and making fun of Bush!
So tune in to ‘Lil Bush tomorrow on Comedy Central at 10:30p and every Thursday to lyao!


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