Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lauryn Hill explains why the Fugees cancelled their North American tour
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[ # ] Lauryn Hill explains why the Fugees cancelled their North American tour
August 7th, 2024 under Concerts/Tours

Lauryn Hill and the Fugees were supposed to hit the road on August 9th in Tampa, but they cancelled the North American leg of it yesterday. However, they did not say why. Today, the singer explained why the show will not go on.

With difficulty the decision was made to pull down our upcoming North American tour dates.

The shows in the UK and Europe ARE MOVING FORWARD as planned.

Last year, I faced an injury that necessitated the rescheduling of some of my shows.

Regrettably, some media outlet’s penchant for sensationalism and clickbait headlines have seemingly created a narrative that has affected ticket sales for the North American portion of the tour. The trust and faith I have in my intentions and my commitment to my art seem to have been overshadowed by this unfortunate portrayal.

The audiences in the UK and Europe not only haven’t seen the Miseducation Anniversary performance yet, they also haven’t seen the Fugees perform together in over 25 years!

Performing for my fans, is a profound exchange of energy and emotion that excites me every time. Every show is a piece of my expression and testament to our connection and shared love for music. I can assure you that no one is more disappointed about not being able to perform than I am.

Know that I am not only grateful for those who appreciate and support my art, but that I FIGHT and push through all kinds of resistance to put together experiences that mean something for all of us. I love being able to bring these performances to you!

I appreciate your understanding. We’re looking forward to performing at the shows in the UK and Europe
in October – and for our fans in North America, when these unforeseen circumstances are resolved, we’ll be back in full force…

With Love, Respect and Honesty, MLH

Hill cancelled several tours last year due to a vocal injury.

Did you have tickets to The Miseducation Anniversary Tour?


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