Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Larry Wilmore goes after Don Lemon for literally playing the race card
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[ # ] Larry Wilmore goes after Don Lemon for literally playing the race card
June 24th, 2015 under Comedy Central

I like, almost everyone, was completely offended by Don Lemon holding up a card with the N-Word on it. So my way of not giving the CNN anchor the attention he wanted was to ignore it. But then Larry Wilmore took him to task on it on The Nightly Show yesterday, and it was so perfect I had to give Lemon the attention he wanted.
Seriously, imagine the poor intern who had to make up that sign. To that person, I say get out now. You’ve been part of one of TV news’ lowest moments. Yes, there is no where to go but up, but it is also a sign that things might sink even lower. I don’t want to know how, but Lemon will find a way. He always does.
Honestly, how are people more upset with Brian Williams’ lies over Don Lemon’s disgusting tactics. I don’t get it. To me everything Lemon does is so much worse than Williams.


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