Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lady Gaga asks for her dogs back
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[ # ] Lady Gaga asks for her dogs back
February 26th, 2021 under Lady Gaga

On Wednesday night, Lady Gags’s friend and dogwalker was shot, and two of her three French Bulldogs were dognapped. Today, the singer is asking for the safe return of her pups.

“My beloved dogs Koji and Gustav were taken in Hollywood two nights ago. My heart is sick and I am praying my family will be whole again with an act of kindness. I will pay $500,000 for their safe return. Email [email protected] to contact us. Or, if you bought or found them unknowingly, the reward is the same,” Gaga wrote. “I continue to love you Ryan Fischer, you risked your life to fight for our family. You’re forever a hero.”

Fischer’s family told TMZ, “Ryan is receiving extraordinary care in the hospital right now and his doctors expect him to make a full recovery. We cannot possibly say enough to thank all of the first responders, nurses and doctors who have worked so tirelessly to care for Ryan.”

Hopefully, he will continue to recover, and she will get her dogs back alive and well.


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