Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kilmer quits over scheduling conflicts?
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[ # ] Kilmer quits over scheduling conflicts?
July 2nd, 2006 under Val Kilmer

VAL KILMER has quit his latest film DARK MATTER with MERYL STREEP because of scheduling conflicts. The star’s role reportedly clashed with his new mini-series COMANCHE MOON, and he was forced to drop out. Producers have cast LEGENDS OF THE FALL actor AIDAN QUINN in the part at the last minute, according to film website According to the film’s director, CHEN SHI-ZHENG, "It is a blessing to have an actor I’ve admired for a long time, AIDAN QUINN, join our production in such an important role." Quinn will play a science professor in the film, which focuses on a brilliant Chinese science student who strives to impress his mentor (Quinn) with his theories on the origins of the universe. Streep will play a patron of the university with a passion for Chinese culture.

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Is it just me or does the director seem happy to be rid of Kilmer? 


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