Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kid Rock flirts with a married BBC reporter live on the air
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[ # ] Kid Rock flirts with a married BBC reporter live on the air
January 20th, 2025 under Kid Rock

Donald Trump is only surrounded by the worst people. Case in point. Kid Rock was being interviewed by BBC’s CaitrĂ­ona Perry today, and he decided to tell her she sounds sexy, even though he could not see what she looks like.

When he told her he could not see her, she told him she looks like she is ready to “hit the slopes.” To which he replied, “I love to go skiing. You sound sexy. You wanna go with me,” as he shrugged his left shoulder.

She awkwardly laughed as she told him, “Well, we won’t get into that right here. There is no skiing today. We’ve got a day of broadcasting to do.”

That liveshot was totally cringeworthy, and I feel for Perry, who has been reported as happily married with two children. As if the freezing temperatures were not enough for her to deal with, she had to be asked by the disgraced singer. No wonder his marriage to Pamela Anderson didn’t even last four months.


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