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[ # ] Kermit, Buzz Aldrin & more face the bucket and there’ll be pain!
August 20th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

If someone would’ve told you that Kermit the Frog accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, you’d think they were crazy. Well, I guess, you can say that the challenge has officially jumped the lily pad. That’s because our favorite Muppet had 10 bags of recently melted ice dumped on head, even though he was afraid it might kill him. The good news is he didn’t croak, and the better news is this might just be the best one yet!
Only Miss Piggy could top it now. Sadly, he knew better than to challenge her.

A close second would be Buzz Aldrin. That’s right, not only will he go down in history as one of the first people to step on the moon, but he will also be known for taking part in the ALS challenge. That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for ALS!

Talking about giant leaps, David Spade didn’t have a bucket so he did not do the challenge. Instead, he donated a bucket load of cash to the ALS Association. $100,000 to be exact. He might have his hat on, but mine is off to him.

To see Danica McKellar, Meryl Davis and Robert Pattison make it sexy, to watch Gordon Ramsay, Alison Sweeney and Jamie Kennedy feel the pain and finally to see Lea Thompson get creative; then

Danica McKellar and Meryl Davis rode down a slide in little bikinis and then they dumped pails of water on each other. Making their video look like a fundraising car wash, if you know what I mean.
I think a lot of men will vote this challenge as their favorite one yet.

Don’t worry ladies, I have one for you too. Robert Pattison accepted Zac Efron’s challenge and we got to see Edward in a wet T-shirt!!! That’s all!

Now let the pain begin!!!
Gordon Ramsay did it in his underwear on his knees, and his family used so much ice water that he fell over. Once he was on the ground, he looked like a fish out of water. That is until he ran away to warm himself up. You know since hell felt like it froze over for him.

Alison Sweeny tried to weasel her way out of it by only using a cup of water. Dovett Quince wasn’t going to let her get away with that, so he lifted her up, put her on his shoulder and threw her in the pool. I guess she is the Biggest Loser in this challenge.

Jamie Kennedy did it Philly Style by having his head forcibly dunked into the bucket. After a few dunks, they told him to dump the water on his head. He refused at first, but after he gave in, he fell into the pool.
I guess he was Xed.

Lea Thompson put some of her Howard the Duck money in a bucket full of ice water and dumped it all on her head. Since she used 50 dollar bills, I had to post her video.

Finally, Miami Plastic Surgeon, Michael Salzhauer, got a surprise in his bucket. That’s because, they added some implants into the mix. I guess that makes him the biggest boob of them all.
And with that, I will stop for the day!!!


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