Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kate McKinnon’s most embarrassing moment is really embarrassing
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[ # ] Kate McKinnon’s most embarrassing moment is really embarrassing
October 2nd, 2024 under Drew Barrymore

Kate McKinnon is on The Drew Barrymore Show tomorrow morning, and it is an embarrassing episode for her. Not because of something she did. Instead, it is because she shares her most embarrassing moment on a set.

Believe it or not, it happened on the set of Ghostbusters, which was embarrassing enough. But something even more embarrassing happened. What was it? The actress said, “It was on the set of ‘Ghostbusters.’ I was sitting between Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig and they were rolling and I farted. It was audible and everyone had to stop filming because everyone was so surprised, so surprised that I had let it happen.”

I am surprised they didn’t keep it in! Now, that would have been funny.


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