We all know that the remake of The Karate Kid is going to be crap, and now that
HitFix posted some pictures from the movie we can see just how bad it is going to be. I can’t even begin to express my disdain for this movie, the casting, the fact they call this is a remake when it is a completely new movie and now the pictures. I liked Jackie Chan, but let’s be real Pat Morita is turning over in his grave over these pictures. Mr Myagi would never ever dress like that, he would dress in traditional clothing and not modern day sweat with a baseball cap. And Jaden Smith is just too little to be taken seriously.
Hey Will Smith next time you want to do a movie for your son’s hobbies, don’t say it is a remake and just say it is a movie about Karate.
I will say something positive, the background is absolutely gorgeous.
[ # 376656 ] Comment from Disturbed [December 1, 2009, 1:31 pm]
Come on man, think before you speak – can you imagine the laughs and blog posts if they had marketed this as a brand new movie?! They would say “they are idiots – this is nothing but a bad karate kid remake!”
In fact, ANY movie about a kid learning karate from a master is going to be called that. How could it not?