Seriously? OMG! WTF? » K-Fed’s new money scheme
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[ # ] K-Fed’s new money scheme
March 8th, 2007 under K-Fed

 Page Six says that Kevin Federline is asking for $25,000 to cover inside his 29th birthday party on March 21st in West Hollywood. I guess he is figuring that now that Britney is rehab and people are actually caring about him again, why not make a buck out of it. This what they magazine will get for their money, "The celebrity magazine will get its logo on the red carpet and exclusive coverage inside the club," said Page Six's snitch. "But who cares? Everyone will have access to the red carpet. And there aren't even any big celebs confirmed for inside the party." Sources also told us that which ever rag coughs up the cash "won't even get a real interview with K-Fed." If I had $25,000 to cover it I would because you never know if Britney might just leave rehab to go to the party! Plus for the mags $25,000 is nothing to the magazines, don't you think?

(photo from People


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