Seriously? OMG! WTF? » K-Fed knows he is America’s most hated
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[ # ] K-Fed knows he is America’s most hated
November 24th, 2006 under Britney Spears/KFed

Kevin Federline is "America’s most hated man" following his split from pop princess Britney Spears, the wannabe rapper claims. Federline made the statement during a performance at Hollywood’s House Of Blues last night. Since the pair separated earlier this month, the 28-year-old has been vilified in the press as a gold-digging freeloader, capitalising on his wife’s success and wealth. But a packed house turned out to see a resilient Federline perform tracks from his debut album Playing With Fire. After lashing out at his detractors – shouting from the stage, "F**k the haters, f**k the media, f**k the paparazzi" – Federline adapted lyrics to one of his songs; when a member of his entourage asked onstage, "Why does America hate you?" he replied, "Maybe because I took their Queen. I am America’s most hated."


I wouldn’t say he is the most hated, but I would put him the Top 10!


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