Seriously? OMG! WTF? » K-Fed agreed to a 20 year confidentiality agreement?
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[ # ] K-Fed agreed to a 20 year confidentiality agreement?
November 9th, 2006 under Britney Spears/KFed

Britney Spears — who I promise we won’t write about much longer — is on a tear. She’s back with her former manager, Larry Rudolph, after a two-year baby making hiatus. And she may have been back with him for longer than ex-to-be Kevin understood, since Britney is said to recording her new album here in New York right now. (I know this is incredibly exciting. It’s almost like when Dylan did "Nashville Skyline"!) But how, you might wonder, did the little pop tart arrange her visit the other night to David Letterman’s show? Since her loyal publicist, Leslie Sloane Zelnick, has also been on ice for the last few months, Spears simply had her assistant pick up the phone and call Letterman’s beloved exec producer, Barbara Gaines. So that’s it, really. Kevin will get half of whatever she earned during their two years of marriage, he’ll get a tad more for signing a 20-year confidentiality agreement. He’ll be set for life and have two children for whom no support money will be required. Britney will make another forgettable, fun dance album and clean up in Vegas. And with that, I return them all to the supermarket tabloids! Good luck, kids!


No wonder the book he is writing is about before he met Britney…he can’t write about her?


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