Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Joan Rivers gives her two cents on Mel Gibson
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[ # ] Joan Rivers gives her two cents on Mel Gibson
October 12th, 2006 under Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson probably shouldn’t expect a Hanukkah card this year from red carpet diva Joan Rivers. “He is an anti-Semitic son of a bitch,” she tells Celebrity Week. “He should f–king die.” Rivers, 73, was promoting her upcoming Bravo comedy special Joan Rivers: Before Melissa Pulls The Plug (premieres October 24), when the conversation turned to the disgraced actor’s recent arrest. “I think he’s in vino veritas,” the comic said. “I think everyone should not watch (the interview with Diane Sawyer). The hypocrisy is what I hate. You know it’s all about ratings and Diane Sawyer has them all when she’s married to a Jewish guy Mike Nichols. It’s ridiculous because she’ll get great ratings and (Gibson) will be back in business.” Not surprisingly, Rivers revealed that Gibson has now earned a place in her stand up act: “His bumper sticker is ‘My other car is a gas chamber.’ The other is ‘I heart Hitler,’” she joked before again turning serious. “I believed it when he said six and a half million Jews spent World War two in Boca and didn’t die. He is what he is. How refreshing that we all now know.”

Celebrity Week 

For the first time in a really long time, I actually laughed at something she said.


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