Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jim Carrey’s clean Top Ten on Letterman!!!
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[ # ] Jim Carrey’s clean Top Ten on Letterman!!!
December 17th, 2008 under David Letterman, Jim Carrey

That was the funniest Top Ten’s I have seen on David Letterman in a really long time! Considering the last one I saw was last night and the one before that I don’t remember!!! No but seriously how funny was it seeing Jim Carrey doing the Top Ten Things He Will Always Say Yes To in a tub taking a bubble bath! I was wondering where they were going with #1 and once we all realized, it was so wrong!!!
BTW if you want to see it in on a bigger screen, you can see it on Late Show with David Letterman tonight on CBS at 11:35p.


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