Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jessica Blah
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[ # ] Jessica Blah
May 24th, 2011 under Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel came out for the launch of a new Revlon ad and I think she is in desperate need of a makeover. The 29 year old actress looks like she is dressed for her high school’s pictures in the late ’70s instead of a photo op in the year 2001 in that blue velor suit. And it isn’t just the clothes that have me calling her Jessica Blah, she is looks like a mess from head to toe with that unstyled hair.
It is almost hard to believe that 4 years ago she was Stuff Magazine’s top woman in the 100 Sexiest issue looking like that. Hopefully this was a one time style because she really looks like dull in get up.


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