Jerry O’Connell made a confession on The Talk yesterday. He revealed that he and his wife, Rebecca Romijn, have been keeping a secret from their twins, Dolly and Charlie.
It is so big that they even got the hospital where the girls were born to lie about it on the girls’ birth certificates.
So, what is it? Is he not the father? Considering the 15-year-olds look just like him, it is not that. What else could it be? No one but the couple, Romijn’s late mom, and the twins’ doctors know which twin was born first. In fact, both of their birth certificates say they were born at the same time.
Therefore, neither twin can use their age against the other one.
O’Connell plans on keeping that secret until his death day. Then, he plans to look at them and say, “Your sister is the older one…”
And with that, it looks like they will never know who was born first.