Jay Leno’s Garage/Twitter
It has not been a few good months for Jay Leno and classic wheels. In November, the car he was working on suddenly caught fire, and he suffered burns on his upper body. Then on January 17th, he was injured again.
We know this because when The Las Vegas Journal asked him for an update on his first accident, he told them about the second one. He told them, “Last week, I got knocked off my motorcycle. So I’ve got a broken collarbone. I’ve got two broken ribs. I’ve got two cracked kneecaps.” And then he added that he is OK and would be hitting the road again.
When it comes to how he fell off of the motorcycle, that is another interesting story. “So I turned down a side street and cut through a parking lot, and unbeknownst to me, some guy had a wire strung across the parking lot but with no flag hanging from it,” Leno said. “So, you know, I didn’t see it until it was too late. It just clothesline me and, boom, knocked me off the bike.”
If I was his wife, I would tell him that he needs to get rid of all of his old cars and bikes. And he might want to do that because rumor has it that CNBC cancelled his show Jay Leno’s Garage.