Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jay Leno hospitalized…now will more NBC execs joining him soon?
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[ # ] Jay Leno hospitalized…now will more NBC execs joining him soon?
April 23rd, 2009 under Talk Shows

On the first night of sweeps, Jay Leno was so sick he was taken to the hospital for unknown reasons and was forced to cancel tonight and tomorrow’s taping. According to People, he wasn’t feeling well, so one of his co-workers took him to a nearby hospital. His rep says he is doing fine and, “He was kidding around with the hospital staff and running his monologue jokes by the doctors and the nurses,” says NBC’s Tracy St. Pierre. “He’s expected back to work on Monday.” Hopefully he will be better soon.
While he might be better soon, lots of big wigs at NBC are probably sh!tting a brick right now because sweeps is so huge and they really needed Jay to help Jimmy Fallon as a lead-in before he exits the show later this month for the 10p slot in the fall. And that must make the NBC execs really nervous, will he still be able to handle the show next season? I would hate to be them now. See that is what they get for cutting the Heroes order from 20 to 18 next year.


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