Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jay Leno does a Conan, but would rather have done Letterman!!!
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[ # ] Jay Leno does a Conan, but would rather have done Letterman!!!
October 7th, 2009 under Talk Shows

Does NBC need to buy their nighttime talk show hosts helmets? Because for the second time in as many weeks one of their hosts hurt his head doing a stunt for their shows. Less than two weeks ago, Conan O’Brien was racing Teri Hatcher when as he was closing in on the finish fell backwards and hit head on the floor and was hospitalized for a concussion. Today Jay Leno was rehearsing his entrance on a zipline and when he got to the bottom he smacked his forehead on the thingy at the end. Unlike Conan he didn’t need to be hospitalized, but you can tell it was a pretty nasty blow because his head jerked back a second time. Even his hair reacted to it! In defense of the thingy, he has a whole lot of head to contend with and it never had a chance.
As you guys knows I am sadist, so I can’t stop watching the video over and over and over again, but the thing that had me laughing the loudest is when he said, “I did a Conan. I would rather have done a Letterman.” That was a good one a real zinger, I have to admit! Maybe the bump to his noggin made him even funnier!
BTW if you are like me you are going to watch The Jay Leno Show tonight at 10p on NBC just to watch that on the big screen!!!


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