Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this the worst infomercial ever?
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[ # ] Is this the worst infomercial ever?
May 20th, 2011 under Awesome Videos

When I clicked on the link that Kris Allen Tweeted for the Baby Bullet Infomerical, I though it was spoof on all the other ones. Well I did some research and it is the real thing.
When you watch the video you video, you will see why I thought it was as fake as the baby bump they used on the actress in it. Seriously they couldn’t find a real pregnant woman to play the role. But it doesn’t stop there because the drunk grandmother is just how I felt after I watched the whole thing. Just like a bad car accident, I couldn’t look away.
So spend this Friday, watching what might be the worst infomercial ever…and that says a lot.


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