Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this the best answer ever on Wheel of Fortune?
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[ # ] Is this the best answer ever on Wheel of Fortune?
May 23rd, 2024 under Wheel of Fortune

Pat Sajak has only a handful of episodes left on Wheel of Fortune, and he is going out with a bang. Well, not him, but a contestant who gave him a banging answer.

Tavaris made a guess at what the phrase on the board was, and he will be the butt of all jokes because of it. What was this magical answer? He guessed, “Right in the butt.”

As you can see by looking at the board, that does not work. Because the first word only has four letters and the last one only has one t.

Butt that is not the point. His hysterical answer is! It is one for the books. And maybe it deserves to be the first chapter of one because it is the best answer I ever heard on the daily game show.

On that note. The real answer was, “This is the best!” Not only is that one of the best answers. Butt some people might think that anal is the best! So, Tavaris’ answer technically worked.


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[ # 1269861 ] Comment from Vy [May 24, 2024, 1:18 pm]

That was pure nerves on display. Lol.

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