Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Patrick Dempsey a Divo on the Grey’s Anatomy set?
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[ # ] Is Patrick Dempsey a Divo on the Grey’s Anatomy set?
April 21st, 2015 under Patrick Dempsey, Shonda Rhimes

If you are still watching Grey’s Anatomy, then you are probably wondering why Patrick Dempsey isn’t on it as much this season?
Page Six looked in to it, and several sources said that his attitude is infuriating the show’s creator, Shonda Rhimes. One source is quoted as saying, “Patrick has been acting like a diva and has clashed with Shonda. She suspended him for a while, and the word on set is that he isn’t coming back full time.” His rep denied the allegations to the paper.
McDreamy is still under contract for another season, so it will be interesting to see if he will still be there in September. Heck looking at the promo for this week’s episode, it will be interesting to see if he makes it to the season finale. But then again it is Grey’s Anatomy, and they have like a major disaster and “so called” memorable episode every week. So you can’t really blame if he wants off the show that has become a complete joke of what it once was. Remember when you used to look forward to the next episode? That was a long long time ago.


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