Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I guess the American Idol Judges don’t know what we want!
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[ # ] I guess the American Idol Judges don’t know what we want!
March 12th, 2009 under American Idol 8

So American Idol changed things up this season and they let the Judges put through their Wild Card choices to the Top 13 instead of us. The Judges thought they knew what we wanted, but by the results they are not in tune with us. The bottom 3 was made up of 3 out of the 4 Wild Card choices. So maybe next year when they are thinking of changes to the show…The Judges will not be allowed to pick who moves on anymore.
The one good thing about the eliminations, is before them I thought I was the only who didn't get Anoop but seems like I am not the only one!!!

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