Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I am giving One Tree Hill one final chance tonight
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[ # ] I am giving One Tree Hill one final chance tonight
September 15th, 2008 under One Tree Hill

One Tree Hill came back this season extremely violent. So far in its first two episodes Dan was hit by car and kidnapped by the woman who kidnapped his grandson (unsuccessfully) and she is torturing him, Brooke was savagely attacked and Quintin was shot and killed when he walked in on a robbery. While it is not the first time One Tree has been so violent, there was the school shooting and Peyton’s stalker, it has never been with so many characters in such a short time.
So I decided to give the show, that I have been watching since day one, one last chance to make a mends. But if this show continues on this violent path, I am done with this show. If I wanted that much violence I would watch the local news and I have not done that in years.
BTW since I posted the touching scenes from tonight, here is one of the kidnapped Dan.

BTW one last vent about OTH, the school shooting episode was ruined when Dan shot his brother. All the impact of the show was thrown away with that ending and looks like Dan’s plot will ruin another powerful episode.


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