Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I am full of Glee because Fox renewed that New Girl Rasing Hope
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[ # ] I am full of Glee because Fox renewed that New Girl Rasing Hope
April 9th, 2012 under Raising Hope

Fox announced today that Raising Hope, New Girl and Glee will all be joining Bones next season on their fall lineup. I thought Glee was already picked up, but I was hoping it wasn’t because I don’t know why I am still watching it. Maybe with the cast graduating it will get better? Probably not, but I can dream. When it comes to New Girl, it has its audience and it isn’t me. Finally, I am Johnny-come-lately with Raising Hope and I am so happy it will be back for another season. After I watched one episode of the sitcom, I was instantly hooked. If you have never seen the show, check it tomorrow at 9:30p after the other two new renewed shows. I promise you will be instantly in love with this darling show. Plus now that you know it will be back next season, it should make you want to watch it more.
Some of the other Fox shows awaiting their fate are Alcatraz, Touch, Fringe, The Finder, Breaking In, Napoleon Dynamite and Bob’s Burgers. I think Touch will definitely be back and that Alcatraz and Breaking In will have to wait until the network watches the other pilots before they make a decision. When it comes to Fringe as hard as everyone tries it just can’t find an audience. I know I am in the minority, but I hate all these alternate worlds on the show. I liked it better when they were just looking into Fringe cases.


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