Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hugh Laurie ready to pull the plug on House?
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[ # ] Hugh Laurie ready to pull the plug on House?
May 10th, 2011 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House

(photo © Fox)

Hugh Laurie’s contract is up next season with House and it is sounding like he won’t be back for a ninth season. He told Radio Times, “The end of that season, right now looks like the end of the show. Well, that’s as far as they’ve got me for.” Years ago this news would’ve devastated me, but the show hasn’t been as good for me this season. I think the Huddy failed romance bored me. We spent too much time on the doctors’ love lives and not enough time in the clinic. I miss the crazy cases that came into the clinic and House would torment the patients. Tell me I am not the only one missing that element of the show?

UPDATE: Fox picked up the show for an eighth and possibly last season!!!


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