Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hugh Laurie is done with TV after House
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[ # ] Hugh Laurie is done with TV after House
November 28th, 2011 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House

When House ends, presumably this year, Hugh Laurie will retire from working in front of the camera on TV. He told UK’s Daily Record that he feels he “no longer a desirable commodity for TV,” adding “I think I have been rather spoiled here. I can’t imagine there will be another one quite like this. I think I will probably be as interested by either writing or producing or directing, or some other aspect. I find the whole field of it fascinating. And I think I am extremely lucky to have had the one shot that I have had at it and I wouldn’t go looking for lightning to strike twice.” But lightening has striken twice for other stars like it has for Tom Selleck, Simon Cowell, Johnny Galecki and David Boreanaz to name a few. I hope he decides to stay in TV because I would love to see him do a show with his native accent.
Before he say adios to TV, catch him in House tonight on Fox at 9p while you still can!


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