Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How we will meet Brtiney Spears again and again?
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[ # ] How we will meet Brtiney Spears again and again?
May 15th, 2008 under How I Met Your Mother

(photo © CBS)
WENN is reporting that Britney Spears might be back on How I Met Your Mother not only for one episode next season but she might be back for all of it.
Here is what Alyson Hannigan aka Lily had to say about her future co-star.

She says, "She's fantastic and just a really, really sweet girl."

And the actress describes the media circus surrounding Spears' presence: "Well the first episode was a big hoopla. A helicopter followed her into work and people were taking pictures of her off the parking structure. It was pretty crazy. But the second time they moved her trailer to a more isolated location and the paparazzi sort of left her alone I guess. Is the top of her head is it really that interesting?"

With this recent development, for the first time, I am not I am sure I am happy that CBS picked up How I Met Your Mother. Wasn't it bad enough CBS that you cancelled Moonlight, now you have to pick up Britney Spears for a season? 


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