Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How Jason Segel was forced to lose weight for a movie
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[ # ] How Jason Segel was forced to lose weight for a movie
April 25th, 2012 under David Letterman, How I Met Your Mother, Jason Segel

Jason Segel was on The Late Show yesterday and he told David Letterman that he was forced to lose 35 pounds for The Five Year Engagement. The studio president (Universal) told him he had to lose the weight “because it had to be conceivable that Emily Blunt would chose me to be her husband.”
That is total bullsh!t, what woman wouldn’t want him to be her husband? Just for that I have no intention of ever seeing this movie and we should boycott it because of that bullsh!t. Seriously he looks fine the way he is, and he didn’t need to lose any weight to be in that movie.


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