Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How close is the Hellman’s commercial to When Harry Met Sally?
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[ # ] How close is the Hellman’s commercial to When Harry Met Sally?
January 31st, 2025 under Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan


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Last week, Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal teased us that they had something epic in the works, and we started to get excited.

Then, on Wednesday, we found out they recreated the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally for Hellman’s Super Bowl commercial, and we were orgasmic.

Since most of us have not seen their Rom-Com in a long time, we don’t know how close that fake commercial was to the real thing.

Well, someone put the two side-by-side, and they nailed it like Sally was wishing she was getting in that scene. I am impressed!


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