Seriously? OMG! WTF? » House is back in the hospital tonight!
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[ # ] House is back in the hospital tonight!
September 16th, 2008 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House

Finally after months of waiting House is back on Fox tonight at 8p! House picks up 8 weeks after Amber (good riddance) died and the dynamic between House and Wilson will never be the same. In fact Wilson’s future with Princeton Plainsboro seems uncertain after he gives notice and asks House to leave to him alone so he can move (and I mean move) on. So what will House do without his BFF? Wait until you see what and who he uses to fill the void. I never saw that coming.
When it comes to what makes House the show that is, that has not changed! House is still House and the cases are still out there! But two things have changed Wilson is out and Cuddy is in…well that is the rumor that House and her kiss!!! House’s old team and new team are still there and they are putting up with him, but they are becoming more like him which means they are standing up to him. But no matter what they do, he will always save the day however he wants!
So tune in to House tonight on Fox at 8p for a show that gets better with age!!!
And don’t forget to stick around for Fringe on Fox at 9p and watch the future of Science today!


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