Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hot Links!
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[ # ] Hot Links!
July 18th, 2010 under Hot Links!

What weird thing did Nicolas Cage say now? – Agent Bedhead
Whose best friend is their vibrator? – Dlisted
Who doesn't need some cuteness? – Popbytes
Who really needs to get a room ASAP? – Yeeah!
Bad lighting is very very good for us!!! – Ayyyy!
Can you call this an accidental nip slip? – INF Daily
Whose face is looking a little different?- Celebitchy
Who was showing off their moob cleavage? – ICYDK
Paris Hilton's latest dumb disguise – Amy Grindhouse
Which TV show cast is going on strike? – Gabby Babble
Robert Pattinson looking good in a tux? – Bricks and Stones


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