Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hot Links!
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February 19th, 2007 under Hot Links!

Are these breasts an American Beauty? – ICYDK
Cutey Chris Gorham talks about Ugly Betty – EW
WTF has happned to Jessica Simpson? – Yeeeah!
Some of the Jericho secrets revealed – Sci Fi Wire
Where is Lindsay Lohan’s appendix??? – Celebitchy
Britney Spears reads her own gossip – pop on the pop
Borat’s fiancee’s dress show us what he is – Celebslam
Enter to win a The Knights of Prosperity and/or Wildfire T-Shirt
NISM, Josh Duhamel in a tight revealing swimming suit!!! – Dlisted
The Simpson sisters paint the town, not their lips red – Ninja Dude
What did The L Word hand out at Sundance? – Miz Moinica Monroe
Is Britney Spears’ record label jiving with her new CD? – Celebrity Warship
What couple is sporting rings on their wedding ring fingers?? – Splash News

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